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Remedies Using the Mimulus Bach Flower

A British doctor, Edward Bach, developed Bach Flower Remedies, using nature as his guide to alternative emotional healing with flowers. According to the Bach Flower Remedies website, Bach categorized mimulus -- mimulus guttatus -- flower as a remedy for fear. Developed according Bach's spiritual approach to emotional healing, mimulus flower remedy aids healing from reasonable fears you know you have, such as fear of illness or fear of dogs. Bach Flower remedies are homeopathic essential oil treatments. Do not use alternative healing methods as a substitute for a physician's or therapist's care.
  1. Anxiety

    • Fear can consume a Mimulus personality.

      A mimulus personality experiences anxiety about specific fears, which cause a constant or nearly constant state of anxiety, according to the Bach Flower Reference Guide. The mimulus personality type anticipates specific pending experiences with deep foreboding. Some people, according to the Bach Flower Reference Guide, are acutely sensitive to their environments, recoiling from bright lights and noise. When a mimulus personality experiences extended fear, she can become physically ill. Take mimulus flower remedy to restore balance to emotional and physical energy. Use your experiences, positive and difficult, to help support others who share your personality type.

    Known Fears

    • Bach mimulus remedy may ease a fear of flying.

      Experiences that might cause anxiety include taking a trip, visiting doctor or meeting with an employer, to name only three of a seemingly endless list of potential fears. Bach described fears for which you might take mimulus as any of a number of "worldly things." Fears the doctor listed include, but are not limited to, fear of "pain, accidents, poverty and of being alone." Mimulus-type fears can be full-blown phobias.

    Mimulus Treatment

    • Take mimulus flower remedies via an eyedropper

      Bach wrote that some people "quietly and secretly bear their dread." When fear of flying, for example, causes anxiety, mimulus flower remedy may treat the negative emotion. According to the Bach Flower website FAQ page, mimulus alone or in combination with other flower essences may restore balance between your body and your mind. When fear settles in, sip from a glass of spring water with two drops of the mimulus mixture.