Home Garden

How to Find Rare Flowers

A rare flower can be a unique and beautiful addition to your home garden. However, the rarity that makes it so unique can also make it difficult to find. Fortunately, finding rare flowers does not require any excessive effort or major botanical knowledge. Actually obtaining the flowers may be difficult, but the research itself requires little more than an Internet search or a trip to your local florist or bookstore.


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      Perform an Internet search. Either search for a type of flower (rare tropical flowers) or a specific type (Crossandra, Ixora, Hoya, etc.). Some sites will have indexes of multiple types of flowers, while others may be dedicated to a specific type. Invariably, all will list the locations where they can be found.

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      Visit your local florist. While they may not have the specific types of flowers in stock (hence, the rare description), they will more than likely be able to give you information on where to find the flowers you're looking for. They may even be able to special-order them.

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      Browse through books at a bookstore or library. There is a wide range of books on the subject of rare flowers, along with their descriptions and locations. You can ask an employee to look up a list of available books, or you can look through the "Garden" section.