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Plants for the Southern Nevada Desert

The Mojave Desert spans into the southern parts of the state of Nevada. Although the harsh sun, high temperatures and dry conditions of this region may not be conducive to much plant life, there are still several species that flourish even in these difficult conditions.
  1. Joshua Tree

    • The largest species of yucca, the Joshua tee only grows in the Mojave Desert and is a member of the Lily family. It grows anywhere from 15 to 40 feet tall and has spiky evergreen leaves. It also produces yellow-green flowers that resemble bells, as well as greenish-brown fruit.

    Brittle Bush

    • This deciduous shrub grows in mounds that reach heights of 2 feet to 5 feet tall. It is a member of the sunflower family and is characterized by a woody trunk, from which branches sprout and small, sunflower-shaped flowers bloom. With a blooming season that lasts from March through June, brittle bushes dot the desert landscape with color.

    Creosote Bush

    • The creosote bush is actually made up of a grouping of four to 12 smaller bushes. It has spiky green leaves and produces small yellow flowers that grow down the stems of the bush. It has a very distinctive scent, like that of creosote tar --- hence the name. It was used by Native Americans to produce antiseptics and emetics.