Home Garden

Are Marigold Plants Deer Resistant?

Urban sprawl has resulted in humans interacting more with wildlife. This can be frustrating to the gardener whose flowers and shrubs are more like a deer buffet. Use of plants and shrubs that deer don't like can help repel them.
  1. Features

    • Marigolds are a popular flower choice because they are easy to grow, bloom all summer, and have few insect and disease problems. They also like full sun, a plus in warmer zones. Marigolds are sometimes used for their anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. They treat burns and bruises, and rubbing marigolds over a bee sting help reduce the pain and swelling. A variety of marigold teas are available as well.

    Maximize Effectiveness

    • Marigolds are a good choice as part of a deer-resistant landscape, but for best results, plant them with more deer-resistant flowers. Others choices include snapdragon, larkspur, dusty miller and angel's trumpet. Mixing marigolds with other flowers lends color and variety to the landscape.


    • While marigolds and other plants may help deter deer in the yard and garden, remember that a hungry deer will eat almost anything. There's no guarantee, but using a combination of plants and shrubs that deer are known to dislike can help make your yard less appealing.