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How to Kill Weeds in a Flower Bed Without Harming the Flowers

If your flower bed is overrun with weeds, get rid of them so your garden can thrive. The weeds are not just an eyesore---they absorb nutrients and water that your flowers can use instead. At the same time, though, you may be concerned that killing the weeds will harm your flowers. There's actually nothing for you to worry about. Unless you're careless with an herbicide, you can kill weeds a couple of other ways without harming your flowers.

Things You'll Need

  • Weeding tool
  • Mulch
  • Herbicide
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      Pull the weeds up and throw them out. It's easier to weed when the soil is slightly moist. Be sure to get the roots. If desired, use a tool, such as a three-pronged weeding tool, to make the job easier. Insert it in the ground, tuck the prongs under the weed and pull it up.

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      Cover the weeds with 2 or 3 inches of mulch, such as bark mulch. This will help prevent the necessary light from reaching the weeds. Apply the mulch when the weeds are germinating or still small.

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      Spray an herbicide on the weeds carefully. If you use a nonselective herbicide, such as glyphosate, spray it directly on the weeds. Do so on a calm day so you don't inadvertently spray the flowers. If you use a selective herbicide, read the label to be sure it's safe for your flowers. In general, however, it's best to treat it as you would a nonselective herbicide.