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Winter Garden Tips

If you are not an experienced gardener, growing a garden in the winter months can be challenging. To grow healthy and thriving plants, provide your plants and flowers with nutrients during the fall months, so they are well-prepared for a winter in the freezing soil. Keep an eye on them during the winter to help your plants and flowers get through.
  1. Selecting your Winter Plants

    • Choose the plants carefully for your winter garden. While some plants and flowers will die due to the frozen soil and lack of water, others will survive and bloom during the cold and frosty weather. There are many plants that grow during fall and winter that provides colorful and attractive elements. Snowdrop plants, with their white flowers, and the winter jasmine are two plants that will thrive during the winter months. For a winter bloom, plant the bulbs in the fall when the soil is still moist and easy to work with.


    • As the bulb is planted in the fall, it is important to keep it growing and thriving until the soil becomes hard or frozen. Water during the dry spells during fall, so the bulbs and roots can retain the water for energy. If no water is retained during the fall months, the plant might suffer winter damage, which can prevent its growth.


    • You do not have to cut down and prune your winter plants, as they can provide shelter for smaller animals or food for birds. However, if you see diseases or infestations of bacteria on your branches or leaves, cut them off to avoid the plant dying from the infection. Cut the branches so they reach about 3 inches above the ground.

    Help the Plants Thrive

    • Provide the winter plants with support as needed. Cover an evergreen shrub with burlap, which protects the plant from suffering sun and wind damage. The burlap should not touch the plant or foliage. For perennials, add shredded leaves over the plant crowns before they bloom, as winter's freezing and thawing cycle can cause damage to the plant's root system above ground.