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The Flower Mantis

Flower mantis is a common name given to a group of praying mantises that have evolved to resemble tropical flowers, allowing them to easily capture insects from the safety of a flower. The flower mantises have distinct morphological and behavioral adaptations that allow them to thrive.
  1. Morphology

    • Flower mantises have evolved a distinct camouflage that mimics tropical flowers. Flower mantises have wide legs and wings that resemble flower petals, physical features that help the insects blend in with the type of flower that the mantis has adapted to.

    Hunting Behavior

    • Flower mantises are ambush predators. They sit motionless on flower petals and wait for bees, wasps, flies and moths to visit the flower and then quickly attack the unsuspecting insect with powerful, spiked forelegs. Flower mantises are highly aggressive insects and will readily attack prey much larger than themselves.


    • Many species of flower mantises are commonly kept as pets. Nigerian flower mantises, orchid mantises and spiny flower mantises are all readily available in the pet trade, according to Insect Store. Flower mantises need warm temperatures and regular feeding to survive in captivity.