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How Much Bark Do I Need for My Flower Bed?

Mulching is an essential part of flower gardening, and using organic mulch -- such as bark, peat moss, compost, pine needles, or leaves -- provides benefits to the plants and the environment. When and how much mulch to use affects its benefits to flower beds.
  1. Use

    • Beyond aesthetic use, mulch has multiple purposes in a flower bed. Mulch reduces the growth of weeds, retains soil moisture, moderates soil temperature, and reduces soil erosion, according to the Ohio State University Extension. As the mulch erodes, it provides nutrients to the flowers.

    Time Frame

    • Spread the bark mulch in flower beds after the soil has warmed and dried from winter snow and heavy spring rains. Spreading mulch before the soil dries and warms can cause rotting and disease problems. This time frame varies according to location, but as a rule of thumb, late spring to early summer allows time for the soil to warm.


    • Apply an even 2- to 2 1/2-inch layer of bark mulch over the flower beds. If the mulch depth is less than this, it will not accomplish its purpose, and more than 2 1/2 inches blocks air from reaching the soil, and prevents the soil from drying, which can damage plants.


    • Do not pile the bark mulch around the base of flowers. This causes some plants to rot, and creates conditions for diseases to grow. Mulch can attract certain pests, such as slugs, rodents and insects. If the plant is suffering from a pest problem, remove the mulch.