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How to Purchase Mature Native Australian Plants

Native Australian plants vary from flowers to shrubs, growing in a variety of different environments throughout Australia. Purchasing mature plants is possible through nurseries who raise the plants until they mature for sale. However, you should note that purchasing mature plants is more expensive than purchasing regular seeds. Since the plants are matured, you may visit local nurseries that specialize in Australian horticulture or that sell native plants from Australia.


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      Find the type of plant you wish to purchase. Australian plants may require special care and environments to properly grow and live. Research the type of plant you wish to purchase to understand if your environment is suitable for the plant. By visiting horticultural websites, searching online plant directories and government websites, you will understand which plants are suitable for your environment and the type of care they may need. See resources for more information.

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      Locate a nursery near your area. By visiting an online resource, you will be able to find the nearest nursery that may specialize in Australian horticulture or sell native plants. For example, some nurseries sell mature daisies, bottlebrush, goodenias and emubush-type plants that are native to Australia. See resources for more information.

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      Call a local nursery. Before you decide to visit a nursery, call them to find the particular type of plant you want. Provide the nursery representative with the exact name of the plant so that she may better serve you.

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      Visit the nursery and purchase the plant. With the researched information, ensure to have the necessary environment and equipment to sustain the plant. If necessary, make room in your car in order to transport the plant. If no local nurseries within your area sell the plant you seek, you may also visit nursery websites that sell the plant.