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Butterfly-Friendly Garden

Double the beauty of your garden by planting flowers that attract butterflies. Like bees, butterflies can benefit the plants in your garden by pollinating. You may prefer butterflies to bees, even though they don't pollinate as efficiently, because butterflies are pretty to look at and don't sting. A butterfly-friendly garden provides the creatures with four basic needs, according to Colorado State University's website.
  1. Sources of Nectar

    • Plant several species of brightly colored flowers in your garden to attract butterflies. You should ideally plant several flowers and shrubs that bloom at different times of year, according to Ohio State University's website, so butterflies feel welcome in your garden from season to season. Plant different flowers to attract different types of butterfly. For example, the common cosmo attracts painted lady butterflies, while monarch butterflies prefer the common lilac. Keep in mind that some flowers, such as geraniums, are colorful but don't provide butterflies with the nectar they need.

    Places for Caterpillars

    • A butterfly-friendly garden will not only provide adult butterflies with flowers to feed on, but also a place for them to lay eggs and provide food for the caterpillars. Caterpillars will feed on the plant they hatch on because they lack the mobility of the adult butterfly. Be prepared to sacrifice a plant or two to the voracious appetite of the young caterpillars. Plant flat-leaf parsely, paw-paw and violets for the butterfly larvae.

    A Place to Puddle

    • Butterflies participate in an activity know as puddling. When they puddle, they drink water from small puddles and also suck up minerals from the soil. Create a space for puddling in your garden by filling a bucket with soil and sand. Keep the soil wet, so butterflies will flock to it to puddle. You can also leave an area of soil in your garden bare and keep the soil moist, according to This Old House magazine.

    Other Necessities

    • Protect the butterflies from harsh winds by planting your garden in an area that is sheltered from the wind. You may also want to plant trees and plants with broad leaves to provide the butterflies with adequate shelter from the elements. A butterfly-friendly garden should get full sun, since butterflies need the heat of the sun to stay warm. Be careful using pesticides in a butterfly-friendly garden. Some pesticides will kill all insects, even the ones you are trying to attract.