Home Garden

Low-Maintenance & Full-Sun Outdoor Plants

Creating a garden spruces up any yard, adding color, depth and interest -- but there's no point in choosing plants that require more time than you can give, or conditions your yard doesn't offer. Choosing the right plants for you and your space ensures that you get the benefits of a garden, even if you can't spend much time maintaining it. Choose native plants whenever possible, as these are already suited to the soil, climate and environment of the area and will need less care.
  1. Cactus

    • Many people think of cacti as green and spiky, and while they are that, they also produce some truly beautiful flowers. There are even winter hardy cacti. For plants that require full sun and are low-maintenance, you can't do better than a cactus. There are many different species that come in a variety of shapes, sizes and looks. However, cacti do require loose soil with very good drainage. They're prone to over watering, so don't water them unless the soil is very dry. Cacti also naturally change color in winter, when they go into their dormant phase, so don't be alarmed if the green fades or you begin to see red, orange or brown pigments late in the year.


    • Succulents are plants that have evolved to deal with arid conditions by storing water in their leaves. This makes them perfect for sunny spots in which the temperature is higher and sunlight is direct. It also makes them low-maintenance in much the same way as the cactus. There are more than 60 families of succulents, comprising more than 300 genera, giving you a huge variety of succulents to choose from. This includes plants like aloe and yucca.


    • Perennials are plants that grow for many seasons. Where annuals die yearly and biennials take two years to complete their growth and lifecycle, perennials die back each winter, but regrow from their established root system in the spring. Most perennials require minimal maintenance, and many love sunny spots and can deal with hot, dry conditions. Consider planting lavender, purple coneflower or shasta daisies, all of which do well in full sun with little maintenance once they're established.


    • Annuals are perfect for container gardening. They deal well with hot, dry conditions and many love full sun. Container gardening can keep the maintenance to a minimum because you don't have to worry about caring for the soil, adding amendments and dealing with fungal or bacteria diseases. Because you control the soil in the container, there's much less work to do. Annuals do well in clay pots, which can leach moisture away from the plant to some degree. With annuals in containers it's much easier to give each plant what it needs without worrying about the needs of neighboring plants. Consider zinnias, marigolds, rose moss or sunflowers.