Home Garden

Amarillo & Flower Care

If you live in Amarillo, Texas, and want to start a garden, you will need to gather information on the climate, soil and flowers that grow best in this dry, hot state. Amarillo is located in the Texas "High Plains Region," which makes it challenging for both city and country gardening. You can adapt your soil slightly to fit a variety of plants, but sticking with the diverse and plentiful native plants may be your best bet.
  1. Soil

    • The Texas Panhandle has a variety of soil types, including various grades of sandy and clay soils, according to High Plains Gardening. The soil often is quite alkaline, as much as 8.5 on the pH scale. The challenges of the sandy soil of the Texas Panhandle are that it lacks a good amount of nutrient-rich organic matter and has been tampered with through the use of fertilizer and irrigation systems. You may need to add organic material to your soil to help ensure the thriving of your planted flowers.


    • Fill your garden with yucca plants. These bushy, grassy plants add height and depth to an Amarillo garden. They feature sweeping green leaves and towering white, hanging blooms. You will want to keep in mind that yucca plants are poisonous if consumed by cats, dogs and horses.


    • Purchase a variety of agave flower plants. These plants look like large green rosettes and have hardy green leaves. Some agaves have intricate designs on the leaves, such as white lines that look like boning. Agaves thrive in dry climates, such as those in Amarillo and southwest Texas.


    • Penstemons are bright pink, purple and red flowers that are natives of southwest Texas. They are known for their towering, cascading trumpet-like blooms. They also provide an ample amount of greenery with their leafy stems. Plant a variety of colors in bunches throughout your garden.