Home Garden

How to Get Rid of Grasshoppers in a Flower Garden

Grasshoppers feed off of the leaves, stems and blooms of plants and flowers, making them herbivores. According to the Pest Wall.com website, over 18,000 species of grasshoppers exist in the world. The ability to survive almost anywhere and jump long distances makes getting rid of them challenging. However, treating your flower garden naturally with a few ingredients found in your home or with insecticides helps protect it from the damage grasshoppers cause.

Things You'll Need

  • 3 oz. minced garlic
  • 1 oz. mineral oil
  • Strainer or cloth
  • 1 tsp. fish emulsions
  • 1 tsp. Castile soap
  • Spray bottle
  • Insecticide
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  1. Natural Remedy

    • 1

      Put 3 oz. of minced garlic into 1 oz. of mineral oil. Let the mixture set for at least 24 hours.

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      Strain the mixture and remove the pieces of garlic. A clean cloth works well if you do not have a strainer.

    • 3

      Combine 1 tsp. of fish emulsions, 16 oz. of water and 1 tsp. of Castile soap in a large container.

    • 4

      Add the garlic mixture to the fish emulsion mixture, slowly stirring it. Place this combined mixture in 1 oz. of water and use a spray bottle to distribute it on your flowers.


    • 5

      Purchase an insecticide containing permethrin carbaryl or bifenthrin that is specifically formulated for grasshopper control.

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      Read the product label on the container and make sure it is safe for use on your flowers. Mix the insecticide by following the manufacture's instructions.

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      Spray the insecticide on the flowers affected by the grasshoppers. The grasshoppers must come in direct contact with the insecticide for this method to work.