Home Garden

How to Make a Tiered Flower Garden

Get the most out of your flower garden space by constructing tiered beds. Tiered flower gardens are raised bed boxes, varying in size, and stacked one on top of the other to give your garden greater height. The bottom box can be any size you desire with two to four graduating smaller boxes on top. Tiered gardens allow you to plant a variety of flowers without them interfering with each other. Use scraps of wood you may already have lying around the house to make your boxes.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Pine boards
  • Saw
  • Drill with bits
  • 4-inch screws
  • Soil
  • Flowers
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    • 1

      Measure out how large you want your biggest box to be. Measure it out so that it is a perfect square such as 3 feet by 3 feet. Cut out the wood for the box.

    • 2

      Attach the sides of the box using the drill and the wood screws. Use at least two screws at each corner of the box.

    • 3

      Place the box where you want to build your tiered garden. Fill the box with enough soil so that it is flush with the top edge.

    • 4

      To find the necessary measurements for subsequent boxes, measure along the diagonal of the previous box. Find the middle of two adjacent sides and measure straight from middle to middle. Use this measurement for the sides of the next box.

    • 5

      Build the next box and situate it on top of the previous box, turning it so that the points of the second box are at the middle of the sides of the first box.

    • 6

      Keep building boxes in the same manner and filling with soil until you have the number of tiers you desire.

    • 7

      Plant whatever flowers have the longest roots in the top box, which allows the roots to grow down as far as possible. Use the corners of each tier to plant other flowers. Plant one type of flower in each tier or mix it up.