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Raised Flower Bed Border Ideas

Raised flower beds give landscapes more dimension and style. They also limit the difficulties associated with retaining moisture and keeping weeds at bay. Border options ranging from pressure-treated timber to railroad ties finish flower beds with a low-maintenance and aesthetically pleasing frame that can last for many years. Choose a border that complements your yard and home without sacrificing originality.
  1. Railroad Ties and Timbers

    • Railroad ties create a rustic-themed border you stack and stabilize with rebar. Black railroad ties add rich color to flower beds and can be further bordered on the inside with railroad spikes for a touch of creativity.

      Pressure-treated timbers are ideal for more formal flower beds. They can be stacked and secured with long wood screws, or you can choose larger timbers for a single-layer border.

      For a low-budget border solution, try large logs cut for firewood as a natural border. Keep your border from rolling away with ground spikes such as rebar or wood stakes.


    • Create the perfect urban garden with tires used as borders for raised flower beds. Measure your flower bed to know how many tires you'll need for a border. Depending on your preferred tread pattern, look for tractor or car tires at a junkyard. Have them cut in half at your local hardware store. Tractor tires are ideal for larger flower beds and car tires are suitable for smaller beds. Dig a 1-foot trench around a flower bed, then set the tires round-side-up in the trench. Backfill with dirt and tamp for stability.

    Large Rocks

    • Rocks make a natural border and come in a variety of styles to enhance a raised flower bed. For an arid flower bed containing succulents and drought-resistant plants, use volcanic rocks. These lightweight rocks are easy to place and create a border that invites vining plants to trail over the edge for a tropical effect.

      Use heavier rocks as a permanent border for annuals and perennials. Choose a single shade of rock such as gray, beige or brown. Dig a 5-inch trench to accommodate the size of your rocks. Set the rocks in the trench and backfill with landscaping gravel or dirt. If erosion is a concern, layer the trench with landscaping fabric before setting the rocks and gravel.


    • Create a scalloped or geometric border with large circular or square steppingstones. Steppingstones come in a variety of textures and colors including brick-red and black. Dig a narrow 5-inch (or deeper) trench and set steppingstones in the trench at even heights for continuity. Make sure your steppingstones yield enough height at the surface of the ground to contain the flower bed. Six to 7 inches is sufficient for most flower beds. Backfill with dirt and tamp for security.