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How to Get Rid of Bees Around My Orange Blossoms

Extremely important to the world's ecosystem, bees pollinate flowers and build honeycombs for the harvesting of honey. The value of bees gets lost in the lack of knowledge for the different species of flying insects. For example, wasps and yellow jackets do not serve as flower pollinators and tend to exhibit more aggression. You can use commercial insecticides to eliminate bees but when they are in flowers or food sources such as orange blossoms, organic products prove the best option.

Things You'll Need

  • Long Sleeved Shirt
  • Long Pants
  • Netted Hat
  • Gloves
  • Spray Bottle
  • Dish detergent
  • Water
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    • 1

      Combine 1 part dish detergent to 3 parts water.

    • 2

      Pour detergent mixture into a spray bottle.

    • 3

      Dress in long pants with bottoms secured in socks, long sleeved shirt, netted hat and gloves to avoid bee stings.

    • 4

      Treat the orange blossoms, utilizing the spray bottle to thoroughly covering the tree with the detergent mixture.

    • 5

      Repeat step 4 for each tree.

    • 6

      Check the trees every day for the first two weeks to determine if you need to reapply the detergent mixture.