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Blue Blossom Native Wisconsin Plants

Several plants with blue blossoms grow wild in the State of Wisconsin. The long winter with snow cover provides the required insulation for plants and they bloom in spring, summer and fall in the wild. Blue-blossomed native plants growing in open grasslands, banks of streams and fields look as if the blue sky has fallen to the ground. These plants are also cultivated in household gardens and parks with flowers of other colors, to make them visually appealing.
  1. Blue Flag Iris

    • Iris Versicolor or blue flag iris, also called the wild iris, has showy blue flowers with yellow markings. The plant flowers in summer and grows in wet soil. Two species of the Blue Flag are native to Wisconsin and grow in the wetlands.

    Fringed Gentian

    • Fringed gentian (Gentianopsis Crinita) has blue blossoms and blooms in autumn. Two varieties of the fringed gentian include the greater gentian that grows to a height of 8 inches to 2 feet, and the lesser gentian that grows to heights between 6 and 18 inches. The greater gentian has broader leaves than the lesser gentian. Both plants have straight stems with a clear blue flower. They grow in wetlands and marshes in Wisconsin and thrive in soil rich in lime content.

    American Bellflower

    • The American bellflower (Campanulastrum Americanum) has light blue star-shaped flowers and grows in the forests and on the moist banks of streams in Wisconsin. The plant has clustered blossoms that appear from June to August. The plants can grow to a height of 4 feet, and have straight stems with dense, pointed light green leaves.

    Arrow Leaved Aster

    • Aster Urophyllus, or the Arrow-leaved aster, is native to Wisconsin and bears pale blue pink or white blossoms. These plants grow to heights of 15 to 39 inches and have arrow-shaped leaves. They grow in dry, open spaces, in wooded areas, and on the fringes of forests; they bloom in the fall.


    • Campenula Rotundifolia, or harebell, has deep blue flowers shaped like bells that blossom in June and July. The plants require full sunshine to blossom and grow in dry soil and soil with a little moisture. The plants grow in a variety of places including cliffs, fields and beaches.