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How to Have a Deep Connection With the Earth

Each human is intrinsically connected to our home planet Earth. Whether you believe in evolution, divine creation or a mixture of both, you have a natural relationship with the planet. Like the animals who dwell on Earth and the plants that grow here, you are vital to the success and well-being of Earth. If you want to feel a deeper, closer connection to the planet and aren't sure where to begin, rest assured that there are many ways to achieve this.


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      Celebrate Earth Day. This special holiday, which falls on April 22 each year, is a time to honor our home planet and raise awareness of how each person can not only deepen their affinity for the Earth, but also make better choices to protect the planet. Attend an Earth Day function, organize one yourself or simply plant a tree as a way to give something back.

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      Spend time in nature. Go camping in a national park, trek along a wooded path or lie in your yard and stare at the stars. One of the quickest and easiest ways to feel a renewed connection with the Earth is simply to bask in its natural beauty. Even if you don't consider yourself an outdoors person, try to find something that interests you. You could swim in a pond, go canoeing or build a snowman.

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      Make Earth-friendly choices. Drive a car that emits less-harmful fumes, select healthy cleaning supplies and cut back on how much plastic you buy and use. Recycle your cans, stop using bottled water and take steps to reduce your electricity usage. Spend time consciously considering your everyday decisions and how they impact the planet.