Home Garden

Types of Lilies That Are Used as Border Plants Around Homes

Virtually any variety of lily can be planted along the foundation of your house to create a floral border around your home. However, taller varieties of lilies offer more bulk to hide exposed foundations along the bottom exterior of your home. Lilies are available in a wide variety of colors to match or complement any landscape design or home siding.
  1. 'Casa Blanca' Lilies

    • For a white lily that complements the landscape and exterior of any home, choose "Casa Blanca" Oriental lilies. These lilies have red stamen accents, alluring scents and grow to various heights between 1 and 6 feet tall. They also spread in clumps with diameters between 6 inches and 3 feet. The crisp white flowers bloom through the summer and are commonly found in both formal and cottage-style gardens. The blooms include red accents provided by the flower's red anthems at the end of each stamen. These flowers are ideal for placement around homes because they require partial shade, particularly requiring shaded roots with full sun for flower heads.

    "Tom Pounce" Lily

    • "Tom Pounce" lilies are often placed in border gardens and produce fragrant blooms in shades of lavender, yellow and white. These lilies grow as tall as 3 to 4 feet, ideal for covering exposed home foundations and gaps between the soil and raised decks, patios or porches. "Tom Pounce" lilies bloom through the summer and require full sun to partial shade. Place these lilies against your home to protect them from strong winds, and on the eastern side of your home to prolong blooming, recommends the National Gardening Association.

    Canna Lilies

    • Not a true lily, Canna lilies grow to heights as large as 10 feet tall; their bright summer blooms and large, colorful leaves make them a focal point in any landscape. Blooms appear in shades of yellow, orange and red, as well as combinations of the same colors. The broad leaves can appear in shades of green, purple, maroon, bronze or brown with accents of pink, red, cream and white. More than 100 cultivars of Canna lilies are available, with varying bloom colors, foliage colors and maximum growth heights. Cannas grow best in locations with full sun, but can survive placement against the home in partial shade if well-draining soil is provided and weeds and grass are trimmed to reduce stress on the lilies.

    "Star Gazer" Lily

    • "Star Gazer" lilies produce summer blooms in shades of white, red and pink, speckled with purple spots with pink and red petals trimmed in white. Growing as tall as 3 feet, these lilies complement any border garden, whether along a fence line or against your home. While "Star Gazers" prefer full sun, like other lilies, they require extra mulch or ground cover plants to provide shade to prevent bulbs and roots from drying out. Place these lilies on the sunniest side of your home to ensure they receive enough sun for healthy growth.