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Bananas for Fertilizing Roses

Gardening and folklore often go hand in hand, not so much because gardeners are eccentric folk who are willing to believe almost anything, but because the love of gardening is often passed from generation to generation. If Grandma said that something worked and she had big beautiful roses to show for it, children and grandchildren are likely to pass the technique down without questions. Using bananas or their peels to fertilize roses is one case of garden folklore that has a scientific basis.
  1. The Science

    • Banana peels decompose quickly, releasing vital nutrients to the soil. The fact that bananas contain high levels of potassium accounts for some of their benefits. According to Ohio State University Extension, banana peels also contain calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphates and sodium, which promote healthy plant growth in roses.


    • Chop or dice banana peels before adding them to the soil. When planting new rose bushes, add the banana peels to the planting hole with all-purpose fertilizer or fertilizer designed for roses. For existing roses, add the peels to the top 2 to 4 inches of the soil around the base of the rose bush and work it into the soil. Some prefer to dry the banana peel before adding it to the soil to eliminate the rotting peel, but either way works.


    • Deciding how many banana peels to use in your rose garden depends on the number of rose bushes and their size. Mary Kroening, Missouri Master Gardener Coordinator, recommends no more than three banana peels per rose bush.


    • When used in conjunction with fertilizer and soil amendments, adding banana peels to the soil around your roses produces an abundance of blooms and may enhance both color and size -- at least that's what the old timers say. Whether the banana peel contains other magical properties that increase rose growth is yet to be discovered, but the fact that they contain potassium and other vital nutrients necessary for healthy growth is reason enough to give them a try.