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What Do Newly Sprouted Passion Flowers Look Like?

Passionflowers have a beautiful, even romantic appearance. All of the flower's famous characteristics appear at the time of sprouting.
  1. Features

    • A passionflower that is newly sprouted will have all the trademark characteristics of this species. These include a face that resembles a clock, pointed leaves, 10 petals and sepals, three stigmas and an ovary that comes in a chalice shape. These flowers tend to be blue and white in color.


    • Because of their unusual appearance, Europeans in the 15th and 16th century attached religious symbolism to passionflowers. Their tendrils were meant to represent the flagellation that Jesus experienced prior to his crucifixion, the 10 petals symbolized the 10 apostles and the blue and white colors were said to represent heaven and purity.


    • Passionflowers have been widely used for medical purposes. Native Americans have used their dried leaves as a means of treating such disorders as sleeplessness, epilepsy and hysteria.