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How to Grow Roses Up a Poplar Tree

If you are looking for a unique way to plan your garden, one trick you can employ is to train your roses to climb up the sides of a tree trunk. Beneath the shade of a poplar tree in your own backyard, you can create the illusion of a storybook garden. However, in order to accomplish this look, you will need to purchase the correct type of roses and train them up the side of the tree securely.


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      Pick the best poplar tree in your yard. You will want to utilize a poplar tree that has a small or medium trunk. In addition, you should look at the tree during high noon and see how much light is getting through the canopy of the tree. Ideally, you are looking for a popular tree with a canopy that isn't too full and allows dappled sunlight to reach the ground below. This will ensure that the roses get adequate light to grow.

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      Choose the correct type of rose. Climbing or rambling roses are best for growing up and around a tree. Varieties that work well include the 'Newport Fairy' rambling rose, 'Lynn Anderson' hybrid tea roses and 'La Reine Victoria' old garden roses. Consult with a florist or garden center owner in your area, as they can advise you as to which variety will grow best in your particular climate.

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      Plant the rose on the southeastern side of the tree in a hole about 2-by-2-ft. wide. This will ensure that the roots are deeply rooted and that the plant will be able to take advantage of early sun as it matures. The plant should be slightly angled toward the trunk and no father than five feet from the base of the tree.

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      Insert a pole from the rose bush to the trunk of the tree. Over time, the roses will grow along the pole and around the trunk, eventually becoming strong enough to be left unsupported. To encourage faster vertical growth, have a tree surgeon prune or remove a few branches from the tree to thin out the canopy. The roses will start to grow straight up as they grow toward the sunlight.