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Where to Pinch Off Scraggly Petunias

Petunias display a variety of colors, including pink, red, white, lavender, purple and multi-color. They are a cheerful choice for flower beds and hanging baskets. Petunias are not particularly hard to grow but they still require a little care. If left to their own devices, petunias grow leggy, becoming unkempt and scraggly. They don't produce as many blooms. To coax the petunia plant to its full blooming potential and to give it a neater, cleaner look, learn how to pinch or deadhead it properly.


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      Examine your flowering petunia plants often, keeping an eye out for faded and spent blooms.

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      Locate the stem beneath a spent, faded bloom and follow it down to the first leaf.

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      Make a cut across the petunia stem, just above the leaf, with garden clippers.