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How to Grow Phantom Orchids

Those ghostly, all-white flowers occasionally found in the dense forests of Washington, California, Idaho, Oregon and parts of western Canada are the mythical phantom orchid, a rare breed that can bloom and then remain dormant for up to 17 years. A leafless plant that may feature yellow spots in its flower centers, phantom orchids do not make chlorophyll; they thrive in shaded, old-growth forests. The flowers grow between 9 and 20 inches, bloom in summer months and feature a light vanilla scent. Unless you are fortunate enough to live in an area native to these plants and find them on your property, it is nearly impossible to raise phantom orchids due to their very specific growing conditions.

Things You'll Need

  • Seed pod
  • Coniferous or deciduous forest soil
  • Small pot
  • Foam peanuts
  • Plant marker
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      Collect dry, ripened seeds from a found orchid. While it is important to allow the seeds to ripen and dry on the flower before collection, it is also necessary to collect the seeds before the seed pod breaks open and disperses them. Perform this action as carefully and gently as possible and only if the flower appears on your property. Disturbing phantom orchids is discouraged as they are so rare; if you come across a phantom orchid that is not on your property, take a picture if desired but otherwise don't disturb it.

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      Collect a heaping of coniferous or deciduous forest soil from your own property, a neighbor's property or nearby park if granted permission. Phantom orchids flourish in these types of moist forests where mycorrhjzae fungi and humus are abundant. These and many orchid species require fungi "infections" of the plant's fibrous roots to grow.

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      Place a few foam peanuts on the bottom of a small pot for drainage purposes and fill the pot with the rotting soil as well as the orchid seeds. Phantom orchid seeds cannot be stored the way other orchid species can because they do not contain an endosperm. Seeds should be sown immediately for this reason. Because phantom orchid seeds feed on rotting humus from forest floors, it may be more beneficial to plant the seeds in another area of your property that features this type of old forest growth and limited partial sunlight rather than using a pot. Though many orchid species require 12 hours of intense sunlight per day, phantom orchids bloom in dense forests, and therefore do well in the shade.

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      Place a marker in the area where you planted your orchid seeds. Water the area once a week -- or once every two or three weeks -- as moisture from the soil should be enough to allow the seeds to germinate. Orchids are drought-tolerant plants that can do well in dry vs. excessively moist conditions.