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DIY Coffee Table

The coffee table is an important part of a living room. Coffee tables come in a variety of shapes and sizes, in addition to thousands upon thousands of different styles. A handmade coffee table can be a great focal point for a living room, and it can also be a perfect heirloom if built solidly.
  1. Coffee Table Basics

    • It’s important to take a few considerations into account for your future coffee table. You want it to fit your needs. Size and shape are extremely important. You may want your table to accommodate the shape of your couch.

      You can choose a variety of tabletops. You should consider the style of your living room. Perhaps you have an armoire that features glass doors. You may want to incorporate this and seek out a glass company who can make a replica of the glass on the armoire to fit into the frame of your new table.


    • Set up a budget. You’ll need to decide how much you would like to spend on the building materials. If you’re contemplating a glass top or other material, call around and get estimates. Remember, you could use cheap materials and have a shoddy product that will only last a few years--or you could invest in high-quality materials for a handmade product that could last for generations.

    Building a Coffee Table

    • Once you’ve established your budget, you can begin choosing materials. Typical materials include wood, etched or stained glass, tile and various metals, including aluminum, stainless steel, wrought iron and chrome.

      Using your materials and your estimated size, sketch out your vision. If you’re unsure of how large to actually build the table, include measurements of the couch and the room to help you when seeking out materials. This will give others a better idea of what you’re trying to do, and they’ll be able to give you recommendations and their insight on a size.

      In your sketch, be sure to include details. For example, if you’re visualizing a great tile inlay, then draw it out. Use colors and have every detail you can possibly get down onto paper and available when you’re purchasing materials.

      Don’t be afraid to think outside the box, literally and figuratively. Coffee tables do not necessarily have to be rectangular. They can be circular, triangular, square or even shaped like a flower.

      Also, coffee tables can be made any color. You don’t have to follow through with traditional stains or black or white paints. If you want color, use it even if it means your new table has purple legs with turquoise accents and a fire truck red top. You can mix and match colors to match your living room’s color scheme. Or if you’ve looking for more pizazz, why not hand-paint a design onto the top.
      ?Think of your this project as an opportunity; the table is literally a blank canvas. There are no rules and certainly no specific guidelines for creating the ideal coffee table to suit your needs.