Home Garden

DIY: Cutting a Glass Table

Cutting a glass table is a delicate job that requires special glass-cutting tools. You will need a cutting tool to score the glass and running pliers to separate the glass evenly. With these tools you can make accurate cuts that will allow your glass to fit perfectly into your living room or dining room table.

Things You'll Need

  • Safety goggles
  • Ammonia-free glass cleaner
  • Lint-free towel
  • Folded newspaper
  • Cutter oil
  • Glass cutter
  • Running Pliers
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      Oil your glass cutter by dipping the tip into cutter oil. Place folded newspaper on the floor then place the glass you want to cut onto the newspaper. Take a wooden yardstick and measure and mark the place you want to cut on the top and bottom edge of the glass using a wax pencil. Align the yardstick on the glass connecting the wax pencil marks.

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      Press the yardstick down firmly onto the glass. Place the glass cutter next to the top edge of the yardstick. Score the glass by applying a steady pressure on the cutter as you move it from the top edge of the glass to the bottom.

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      Run a score line with your running pliers by placing the pliers on the bottom edge of the glass with about half of the jaw covering the glass. Line up the the screw or line on the pliers with the score line. Squeeze the plier handles together gently and listen for a click. Go to the score line on the top edge of the glass and repeat the process until you hear the click. Repeat this process again if necessary until the glass breaks evenly in half.