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How to Cut Round Edges for a Poker Table

To really enjoy a game of poker, having the right equipment is a must. A quality poker table can increase the enjoyment you and your friends experience when playing the game. These tables can be quite expensive if bought from a furniture manufacturer, but you can save money by building one yourself. One of the more difficult aspects of building a circular poker table is cutting the round shape from a piece of wood. Most cutting devices lend themselves to cutting straight lines rather than curves, but with just a few careful steps, you can create a perfectly cut circular tabletop.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Hammer
  • Small nail or thumbtack
  • String
  • Scrap wood for straight edge
  • Work table or saw horses
  • Circular saw
  • Electric sander
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    • 1

      Measure and locate the point that will be the center of the round table. Mark this point with a pencil. Install the nail or thumbtack at the center point by lightly tapping the nail or tack with a hammer.

    • 2

      Tie a piece of string securely around the nail or tack. Once you decide what the radius should be for your table, measure this distance along the string and tie a pencil to that point on the string. This setup will operate like a large compass and allow you to draw the circle size you want on the wood's surface.

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      Line up the scrap piece of wood tangent to the circle. (A tangent is a straight line that touches the outside of the circle but doesn't intersect it.) Use the pencil to sketch a line tangent to the circle. Continue to draw tangent lines around the circle. These lines will be your guide as you cut out the circle.

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      Place the wood on the work table or saw horses. Cut along the tangent lines with the circular saw. As you cut, you will remove the extra wood around the circle, getting closer to the circular shape with every cut. Once you have trimmed off all extra material, use an electric sander to remove the remaining wood around the circle that was left after using the saw. It is nearly impossible to get a perfect cut with the saw, but by using the sander you can fine tune the edge to get it smooth and correctly sized.

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      Remove the nail or thumbtack at the center of the now completed circle.