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How to Glue a Mahogany Tabletop

Building or repairing a mahogany tabletop requires joining several individual pieces of wood together. Tabletop sections are most commonly attached with wood glue, creating a stronger bond than can be achieved with nails or screws. The most critical aspect of gluing a tabletop is taking the time to precisely align both the ends and the joints of the individual sections.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil
  • Masking tape
  • Ruler
  • Drill
  • Drill bit, 1/4-inch
  • Wooden dowel stock
  • Saw
  • Wood glue
  • Glue brush
  • Bench or pipe clamps
  • Cloth
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    • 1

      Arrange the mahogany tabletop sections on a workbench in the exact orientation as the sections will be glued together. Number the top sides of the sections in order, using a pencil. Work from one end of the tabletop to the other. If the sections are already stained or painted, stick a small piece of masking tape to the boards and write the order numbers on the tape.

    • 2

      Flip the first tabletop section over onto the second section so the first section is stacked on top of the second section. This will arrange the sections so the bottom of the second section is facing the bench and the top of the first section is facing upward. Label the front edges of the two stacked sections “Joint 1.”

    • 3

      Align the narrow outside ends of the mahogany tabletop section evenly with each other. Mark a straight, vertical line at 6-inch intervals along the facing edges of the two stacked tabletop sections.

    • 4

      Measure the thickness of one tabletop section and divide that measurement in half to find the hallway point. For example, if the tabletop is 1 inch thick, the halfway point is 1/2 half inch.

    • 5

      Mark a horizontal line through the halfway point of each vertical line on the edge of each of the two stacked tabletop sections to create “+” marks along the edges of the tabletop sections.

    • 6

      Drill 1/2-inch holes precisely at each point where the horizontal lines intersect the vertical lines on the edges of each mahogany tabletop section.

    • 7

      Repeat the flipping, marking and drilling procedure for each of the abutting sections of the tabletop.

    • 8

      Arrange the mahogany tabletop sections on the bench in order, aligning the edges of the corresponding-numbered joints.

    • 9

      Count the total number of drilled holes in the edges of each section. Cut 1-inch wooden dowels from a section of 1/4-inch dowel stock, using a saw. Cut one dowel for every two holes. For example, 20 holes would require cutting 10, 1-inch dowels.

    • 10

      Apply wood glue to each dowel and the edges of each joint, using a small brush. Insert the dowels into the drilled holes and push the joints together. Clamp the tabletop sections together with bench or pipe clamps. Clean any glue squeezed from the section joints with a damp cloth. Allow the glue to set for 24 hours before removing the clamps.