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Stretching Your Spine on a Table

Sitting all day at work in front of your computer can cause your back to feel as stiff as beef jerky. If your workplace doesn't provide you adequate room to lie down to stretch your back, you can still do so with your desk or table. Stretching on a table allows you to easily transition from prone and supine positions to the standing position. If you have back pain or any conditions that prevent you from transitioning from the floor to the standing position, using a table will help you stretch better.


  1. Standing Tabletop Stretch

    • 1

      Face a table and stand about an arm's distance away from it with your legs about hip-distance apart.

    • 2

      Bend your torso forward at your waist and put your hands on top of the table in a karate chop position. Bend your knees slightly and push your buttocks away from the table.

    • 3

      Hold the stretch for five to six deep breaths. Repeat the stretch one or two more times.

    Supine Spinal Twist

    • 4

      Lie on top of a table on your back with your arms out to your sides. Bring your knees together and up toward your ribs.

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      Exhale slowly as you rotate your legs to your left as far as you can, until your left outer thigh touches the table. Let your thighs float above the table if you can't touch the table with your outer thigh. Do not let your right shoulder move off the table. Hold this position for three deep breaths.

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      Inhale as you raise knees back to the starting position. Repeat the stretch on the other side. Repeat this exercise eight to 10 times total.