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What to Look for in Good Patio Furniture

Whether you're relaxing on a quiet afternoon or having guests over for a casual lunch or breakfast, the quality of your patio furniture will make a difference. From swings to tables and chairs, there are a variety of styles and pieces available. Knowing what you want in your patio furniture set, and receiving a good deal, will allow you to sit back and comfortably enjoy the pleasant weather.
  1. Get An Idea of What You Want

    • There are thousands of different styles and items that will fit your patio. But less is more when you are looking for patio furniture. Make a list of what your patio needs and get an idea of how much space is available. A table and chair are staples of patio furniture. But something like a bar for mixing drinks might work for you, as well as a hammock or swing. Also consider who will be using the patio. If it's simply for personal use, smaller furniture with more comfort is the better choice. If you're looking to host guests frequently, you're going to want tables that can accommodate more people. Keep in mind that space matters. A patio packed with chairs, tables, plants and other items looks cluttered and detracts from what would otherwise be fine furniture.

    Search for Bargains and Quality

    • In this economy, there will be great bargains out there on expensive and luxury items. Gorgeous and impressive fountains, once costing well over a thousand dollars, can be found at half the price. Go online and search for furniture stores in your area. See what's available on websites, as there will also be vastly discounted items. Remember, though, that cheap patio furniture comes at a price, as the material is usually more flimsy and is less able to withstand extended use and exposure to the elements. Wood lasts longer but requires greater care. Iron and wicker are cheaper, but the quality of both varies depending on the maker. A strong wicker furniture set, for the extra price, will save you money down the line as long as you've taken proper care of it. Plastic is the option for those looking for a practical option, but you will most likely wind up buying extra chairs to replace the ones that break or crack with use. The key here is to not buy impulsively; instead, search for the furniture you will be happy with and that will let you feel comfortable with having guests over.

    Different Styles

    • After finding the best bargains, it's important to decide what vibe you'd like your patio furniture to create. Color and style are the final steps in buying a good patio furniture set. Wicker furniture look best in browns and whites. With wicker you'll create a more scenic country atmosphere; it is also more romantic. Metal can be Victorian or, with less ornate pieces, more modern. Plastic is more efficient, with white and beige being the more common colors. Wood produces a rustic, outdoor feel. Cedar has a different look than pine and teak . Knowing what vibe you want to create will help you mix and match different pieces. Even moderately priced furniture sets will look fantastic when paired with the right patio pieces.

    Extra Costs

    • A good patio furniture search not only considers quality and bargains, but the additional costs. If you're buying patio furniture online, make sure to check the shipping prices. For larger items, the shipping can be a large portion of the cost. Delivery from retail stores may also be more than you expect, so ask in advance. Also, check warranties. Is there a money back guarantee? Can you return the furniture? Knowing the extra costs ahead of time will allow you to find the best deal.

    Know What You're Buying

    • Once you've decided on the type and style of furniture you want for your patio, make sure to check the warranties. Check to see if the furniture is stain and water repellent; if not, buy some products to treat the pieces. If you're buying a wood set, make sure you know how to properly care for it and do touch-ups; the same goes for metal.