Home Garden

Alternate Uses for Plant Stands

Plant stands are usually used to display plant containers. They can be purchased or made at home, and come in a variety of designs. A plant stand may be one rounded shelf just big enough for one pot, or it may be a multitiered rack for holding several containers. No matter the style, plant stands have many uses other than the traditional one.
  1. Book Shelves

    • A tiered plant stand would work well as a book shelf. Repurpose an old stand, or purchase or build one that will match your decor in color and design. Bookends will be needed, one set for each shelf, so that the books will not fall off the end of the shelves.

      It is also possible to lay books on their backs, spines to the front of each shelf, for a different look. Stack a few books of all the same size, or in graduating sizes with the smallest on top, on the shelves.

    Tables and Shelves

    • Plant stands may be placed in the living room or family room as end tables. A telephone, pencil and pad of paper placed next to a lamp on a two-tier shelf will provide you with an answering center. Place telephone and address books on the lower shelf.

      Using a single shelf stand next to the bed provides you with a nightstand for placement of a lamp and alarm clock. A wide-enough stand will also provide room for a book, journal and pen, if desired.

    Pantry Stand

    • A tiered or shelved plant stand can be used in the pantry to hold containers of small foods. Baskets, plastic shoe boxes and other containers will all work. Gravy and powdered drink mixes, napkins and pudding boxes are often stored in such containers, as are prepackaged snacks. Fresh produce will store temporarily in containers on these shelves as well.

    In the Garage

    • Tiered plant shelves are useful in the garage. They will hold jars of nails and screws, and containers of tools. The shelf will also hold other items that help you to accomplish tasks, allowing you to organize your work area in a more efficient manner.

    In the Bathroom

    • Place a tiered plant stand in the bathroom to hold necessities. Roll bath and hair towels and place them on the lower shelf. Fold the hand towels and wash cloths and set them in piles on the middle shelf, and place holders for bathroom essentials on the top. Set a plant on the top for decorative purposes.