Home Garden

How to Build a Modern Bench

If a traditional bench does not fit into your landscape motif, consider something more modern. Although modern benches are widely available from home and garden retailers, building one of your own is less costly and just as attractive. Not only does this bench give additional seating for your patio or outdoor room, it provides a place to highlight potted plants. This modern bench project presents a moderate challenge for the novice woodworker and is an easy weekend project for those with carpentry skills.

Things You'll Need

  • Two-by-four boards
  • Measuring tape
  • Circular saw
  • 3-inch wood screws
  • 1-by-4-inch boards
  • Scrap cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Carpenter's pencil
  • Saber saw
  • Sander and sand paper
  • 2 large ceramic pots, 20-inches in diameter
  • Potting soil
  • Ornamental grass plants
  • Wood stain and paintbrush, optional
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  1. Frame

    • 1

      Cut two lengths of two-by-four lumber measuring 6 feet long. These pieces are the long pieces for the seat frame.

    • 2

      Cut two more lengths of two-by-four lumber measuring 2 feet long. These are the short sides for the seat frame.

    • 3

      Place the two long boards on a flat surface up on their sides, parallel to each other and 22 inches apart. Place the two short sides up on their sides and over the ends of the log sides to form a rectangle with all four sides. Use two 3-inch wood screws at each corner to attach the frame together.

    • 4

      Cut two lengths of two-by-four lumber to use as center supports for the frame. These boards should measure 22 inches long.

    • 5

      Place the first center support inside the rectangle made with the sides. Adjust the board until it is parallel to the left short side and 2 feet away from it. Screw it in place by screwing through the long sides and into the ends of the support. Repeat to install the second support on the right side.


    • 6

      Cut six 1-by-4-inch boards measuring 74 inches long. These are the seat slats for the bench.

    • 7

      Place the seat slats on top of the seat frame, parallel to the long seat boards of the frame. Adjust the boards so that they overhang by 1 inch on each end. Screw the boards in place by screwing one screw through both supports, and the short ends to attach each seat slat.

    • 8

      Draw a 15-inch diameter circle on a piece of scrap cardboard. Cut the circle out.

    • 9

      Place the cardboard circle on top of the seat slats. Slide the circle over so that it is 6 inches from one end of the beach seat and is centered between the long sides. Use a carpenter's pencil to trace the circle on to the slats. Repeat on the opposite side.

    • 10

      Cut the circle outlines out of the bench seat using a saber saw. This is a hole for the planters in the bench.

    • 11

      Sand all rough spots on the bench seat. Pay particular attention to edges and corners.


    • 12

      Decide on a location to install the bench. Place the two ceramic pots in the location about 3 feet apart from each other.

    • 13

      Place the bench seat on top of the pots. Adjust the bench until the holes line up with the tops of the pots.

    • 14

      Fill the pots up with potting soil. Plant an oriental grass plant in the center of each pot to complete the bench's modern look.