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Easy-to-Build Coffee Table Bench

You don't have to run out to the store to purchase a new bench for your home. Instead, transform your coffee table into a beautiful and practical upholstered bench you can show off to your friends and family. This project is simple enough that anyone can do it.
  1. Choosing Your Bench

    • The coffee table you choose to repurpose can be a brand new piece that you picked up on clearance or a discarded table someone put on the curb. The table you choose depends largely upon how much effort and time you have to put into the project and what you're comfortable tackling. A newer piece doesn't require staining, whereas an older table needs more preparation.

    Priming the Table

    • If you are working with an older table, make sure the tops, sides and legs are sanded. Once it's primed and dry, you can paint or stain it in a color that matches the rest of your decor. Regardless if it's new or old, don't forget to drill two rows of four holes along the length of the table that are 6 inches from the edges. You'll use these holes to add decorative tufting.

    Fitting the Foam

    • To have comfortable seating for your coffee table you need to gluie a piece of foam on top of it that is at least 3 inches thick. Half an inch of foam should extend over the top of the bench. The next step can wait for at least a couple of hours as the spray adhesive used to hold the foam in place to dries completely.

    Adding the Batting

    • Unlike the foam, that extended half an inch over the top of the bench, the cotton batting measures at least 3 inches over the edges. It's easy to anchor the batting to the foam by sewing a single stitch in the center and knotting it to hold it in place. Pull it over the edges and secure it with staples shot beneath the lip of the table top with a staple gun. Neat corners are easy to make by folding and tucking the corners under the table top before stapling.

    Applying the Fabric Cover

    • Cover your new bench with fabric that complements your decor.

      When adding the decorative fabric of your choice, allow 5 inches of extra material to drape over all sides. Repeat the process used to adhere the batting to the table. A smooth surface devoid of bunching or unsightly wrinkles is the result of pulling the fabric taut when stapling.

    Tufting the Upholstered Bench

    • Tuft the fabric.

      Tufting is a pretty straightforward process. After you choose buttons that complement your fabric, guide a long sewing needle and 18 inches of upholstery thread through the first hole in the bottom of the table and through the fabric on top. Run the needle and thread through the eye of an upholstery button and pull it back through the hole, looping through twice to ensure that it stays in place. This process is repeated for each hole. Once each button is securely knotted underneath the seat, your tufted coffee table bench is ready to use.