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Poly Vs. Nylon for Furniture Fabric

Polyester, second to cotton in worldwide use for fabrics, was first manufactured in the 1950s. Nylon, first produced commercially in 1938, is the first completely synthetic fiber. Polyester and nylon fabrics are durable, and they usually have tight weaves, enabling them to endure heavy use. You can steam clean both polyester and nylon with good results. They have some other good qualities, but they both burn slowly and melt.
  1. About Polyester Fabrics

    • Polymers are formed from polymers, when large molecules bond to one another in chains. Polyester furniture fabrics are marketed under the brand names Dacron, Fortrel, Kodel and many more. Polyester is the synthetic fiber that feels that looks and feels most like natural cotton. Polyester fibers resist scrapes and wear. They stand up under heavy use by children and large families. They are impervious to insects and mildew, and they resist scrapes and wear. You can spill wine and soft drinks on them without staining them. If you spill something on polyester it dries quickly.

    About Nylon Fabrics

    • Wallace Carothers of the DuPont company developed the synthetic polymer known as nylon in 1935. It was used a substitute for silk for parachutes during World War II.Nylon furniture fabrics are marketed under the names Antron, Chemstrand, Dupont Nylon and Chemstrand. Nylon furniture fabrics are strong, resilient, and feel cool and soft. They are easy to clean and maintain.

    Fabric Blends

    • Polyester and nylon fabrics are rarely used alone in upholstery fabrics. Both polyester and nylon are added to natural fibers to prevent them from forming "pills," small balls that form on fabric and eventually wear off. Manufacturers blend polyester with other fabrics to make them resist crushing and wrinkling, and to help them maintain their color. They add nylon to make fabrics more resilient and to prevent velvet and other napped fabrics from crushing.


    • Nylon is slightly stronger than polyester and will more easily resist scrapes and soiling. Do not choose nylon if your furniture is by a window because sun will make the color fade. If your furniture is by a window, protect its nylon fabric with blinds or special coverings that block the sun. Polyester will not fade in the sun.