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How to Build a Wall-mounted Clothes Rack

If you do not have a closet, you may opt to build your own wall-mounted clothes rack, in essence a rod on which you place clothes hangers. A wall-mounted clothes rack will require the use of basic woodworking tools and a bit of creative flare. However, it will not require an in-depth knowledge of woodworking.

Things You'll Need

  • Hardwood boards, 1-inch thick, 4 inches wide
  • Miter saw
  • Pocket hole jig
  • Electric drill
  • Wood screws
  • Stud finder
  • Nail
  • Tape measure
  • Dowel rod, 1-inch-diameter
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    • 1

      Cut two pieces of 1-by-4-inch hardwood to a length of 20 inches. A miter saw keeps the edges square. These boards are your end supports for the clothes rack.

    • 2

      Measure down 1 inch from the end of the 4-inch face of each end support and place a mark in the center -- 2 inches from the edge. Drill a 1-inch hole through the face of each end support exactly where you place the mark.

    • 3

      Place a “pocket drill” jig on the 4-inch wide face of one end support. The jig goes on the opposite end from the 1-inch hole you just drilled. A pocket jig has two holes in it that rest at 45-degree angles. The jig makes it easy to drill holes at a 45-degree angle into wood by pre-determining the hole spacing so you do not have to worry about it. Place a 1/4-inch drill bit into your electric drill and then place the drill into one of the holes on the jig. Drill through the end support. The drill goes in the side of the end support but then comes out the bottom edge. Remove the drill, place it in the second hole and then drill through the wood again. Repeat this with the other end support. The holes will allow you to secure the 1-inch-wide end of the end supports to the wall.

    • 4

      Locate two studs in the walls with a stud finder. Studs are usually 18 or 24 inches apart. Place the end of an end support with the two 45-degree angled holes against the wall and centered against the stud. If positioned correctly, the end support will stick out from the wall 20 inches. Face the 45-degree holes towards the stud where you will mount the second end support. Place a nail into each of the 45-degree holes and press in on it to create an indentation in the wall. This shows you where you need to drill holes for wall anchors. Place the second end support over the next stud so the 45-degree holes face the first stud. Mark the holes with the nail.

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      Drill pilot holes at each marked location in the wall large enough for a 1/4-inch wall anchor and then press the wall anchors into the holes.

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      Place the first end support against the wall and line up the 45-degree angled holes in the board with the wall anchors you placed into the wall. Drive 1/4-inch wood screws into the angled holes to secure the end support to the wall. Repeat this with the second end support.

    • 7

      Measure the distance between the outside edges of each end support with a tape measure. This is the length needed for the rod you need for your clothes rack. Cut a 1-inch diameter hardwood dowel rod to this length with the miter saw.

    • 8

      Apply a small amount of wood glue to the 1-inch holes and then slide the dowel rod into the them. Allow 24 hours drying time.