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How to Rub Oak After Urethane

Urethane is applied to stained and painted furniture as a clear, protective coat. However, it is also prone to mild surface imperfections after it has dried. Many woodworkers remedy this by lightly sanding and rubbing the finished surface with high-grit sand paper and steel wool. You can rub any oak furniture after urethane finish application in one to two hours, depending on the size and scope of the project.

Things You'll Need

  • 320-grit sand paper
  • Rub on polyurethane
  • #0000 steel wool
  • Cotton rag
  • Paste wax
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    • 1

      Moisten the surface of the oak after the urethane application has dried. Use a damp cotton rag and wipe the urethane down with the rag.

    • 2

      Sand the surface of the urethane with 320-grit sand paper. This paper will not remove much of the urethane. However, sand lightly to remove only small surface imperfections. Sand in circular motions, alternating between sanding and wiping with the damp rag. Rub on one coat of polyurethane to fill small surface imperfections, allowing it to dry completely before proceeding.

    • 3

      Apply paste wax to the oak and allow it to set for five minutes. Rub the paste into the oak surface with a #0000 steel wool pad, rubbing in circular motions. You need not remove the paste with the pad. Use the pad only for rubbing the surface.

    • 4

      Wipe the surface of the oak down with a cotton rag. Clean the paste from the surface of the oak, wiping in circular motions.

    • 5

      Rub the oak with the steel wool without the paste wax applied. Continue to rub in circular motions until the surface is smooth and shiny. Reapply the paste wax, allowing the wax to set for 30 minutes. Wipe the wax away with a clean cotton rag and repeat the steel wool rubbing process, alternating between wax and rubbing until you have the desired finish on the oak.