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How to Dampen Sound on a Grand Piano

Grand pianos are built to allow for tremendous sound since they have openings at both the top and the bottom. In a concert hall or isolated house, the resonating sound is part of the appeal of a grand piano. In an apartment, condo or school practice room, the resonance may create problems by disturbing neighbors, especially if you like to play at night. Some practical ways exist to lesson the sound from a grand piano, allowing you flexibility in playing time without being a nuisance for others.


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      Place insulated casters on the legs to reduce the amount of sound traveling into the floor.

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      Put the piano on carpet to muffle the sound moving through the legs and into the floor. Sound travels more readily through wood and linoleum while carpet, foam and even rubber mats absorb some of the sound.

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      Close the lid on the piano to reduce the amount of sound emanating from the top of your grand piano.

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      Install a muffler inside the piano. Use string covers and muffler rails — pieces of felt or cloth placed between the strings and the hammers so keys still strike but at a lower volume.

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      Create sound barriers on the walls and ceiling by draping them with fabric or attaching carpet or foam to them. If you rent and cannot risk damaging the walls, build buffers by stretching fabric or carpet pieces over wooden frames and setting them against the walls. The heavier the fabric, the better it will absorb sound.