Home Garden

Getting Couches Into Small Doorways

If you are planning a move or if you are simply purchasing some new furniture, you need to think about how you can get the new furniture in or the old furniture out. In this endeavor, small doorways can be a problem. While professional movers will be able to handle a couch, you can also try to move the couch yourself. Moving your couch through small doorways requires some preparation and some equipment.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Wrench
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      Rotate the couch. Instead of bringing the couch through the door when it is being lifted flat up off of the floor, turn it so that it is is at a 45-degree angle from level. Rotating the couch may be enough to ease it through a narrow doorway.

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      Tip the back up on one end. If the doorway is narrow but tall, you can hook the back around the corner and bring the seat around to follow.

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      Remove the feet on the couch using a screwdriver. The feet add several inches to the sofa’s profile, and removing them gives you slightly more clearance when going through the doorway.

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      Take the door off of the hinges using a screwdriver. While removing the door requires effort, it does clear the door and, in the case of awkward corners, it can also give you more space with which to maneuver the couch.

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      Turn the couch upside down and remove the black hessian dust cover. Locate the nuts and bolts that hold the arms to the sofa and remove them, which allows you to remove the arms. This significantly reduces the bulk of the sofa.