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How to Hang a Hammock Swing From a Floor Joist

Hanging a hammock swing or chair from a floor joist is easier than hanging it from the ceiling beams in the upper levels of a house because in many basements the floor joists are left exposed. However, since the joists help maintain the house’s structural integrity, be careful to strain them as little as possible. The joist’s center will be able to bear more weight than any other location on the joist. To make the hammock chair even more secure, these plans create a “strongback” between two joists.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Permanent marker
  • Two-by-four
  • Nails
  • Vises, 2 (optional)
  • Drill and drill bit (the thickness of the eyebolt)
  • Screws (the thickness of the eyebolt)
  • Eyebolt
  • Locking washers, 2
  • Nuts, 2
  • S hook
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    • 1

      Measure the floor joist lengthwise and widthwise. Divide both the length and width by two to find the exact center of the joist – on either side of the joist. Mark those central points, using a permanent marker. Repeat for the floor joist right beside the one you just marked.

    • 2

      Measure the distance between the two marked floor joists. Cut the two-by-four to that measurement.

    • 3

      Place the two-by-four between the two joists, at the center of the joists. Nail the two-by-four to the joist to hold it in place, or secure it by attaching a vise to each joist on either side of the two-by-four and tilting the vises to cradle the two-by-four before fully tightening them. Drill through the side of the floor joists at their central marks – the drill should also go through the two-by-four. Screw the two-by-four in place. Remove the vises, if you used them.

    • 4

      Find the exact center of the two-by-four and mark that point. Drill a hole the width of the eyebolt through the two-by-four. Place a locking washer and a nut on the eyebolt, push it through the hole in the two-by-four, and put another locking washer and nut on the other side of the eyebolt. Screw it all in place to secure the eyebolt.

    • 5

      Find and straighten the hammock chair’s overhead ropes. Draw the end of one of the ropes to a spot roughly a foot down the length of that rope, and lay it over the length of the rope so it forms a loop. Pull the end of the rope through the loop, but stop before the knot is completely tight. Place the S hook’s lower hook through the loop, and tighten the knot completely. Double-knot the rope if necessary. Repeat using the chair’s other overhead ropes. Thread the top part of the S hook through the eyebolt’s hole.

    • 6

      Thread the chair’s dowel ropes through its dowel’s sockets. Adjust the ropes so the dowel hangs straight.