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What Kind of Fabric Should Be Used to Reupholster a Love Seat?

When you desire a new decorating scheme or when a love seat becomes damaged, you need to decide what you want to use as reupholstering fabric. No definitive rule covers choosing a love seat fabric, but learning about upholstery fabric will help you choose a fabric that will stand up to your household's lifestyle and suit your tastes.
  1. Upholstery Fabric

    • Upholstery fabric refers to material specifically designed for upholstering furniture. Fabric stores tend to keep all the upholstery fabric in one section. Upholstery fabric is designed for strength and durability so it can withstand the rigors of furniture use. It tends to come in wider bolts than fabrics intended for clothing. This makes it convenient for reupholstering a love seat without having to sew seams. The fewer seams in your reupholstering project, the fewer stress points where stitching can give way and require repairs in the future. A simple armless love seat might require only 6 to 7 yards of fabric, and a love seat with separate cushions, rolled arms and a dust skirt might require 12 yards.

    Upholstery Fabric Features

    • The term "repeat" that's used to describe upholstery fabric refers to the repetition of the pattern woven into or printed on the fabric. A large repeat means the design pattern continues for a longer expanse of the fabric, and a small repeat means the design elements repeat closer together. Solid upholstery fabric frees you from concerns about matching up the pattern. This can make reupholstering less complicated, especially if cushions or the style of the love seat requires multiple panels of fabric, such as a love seat with a skirt over its legs.

    Loveseat Fabric Considerations

    • Examining upholstery fabric samples for content and strength can help you choose.

      A love seat accommodates body weight and friction from people sitting down, getting up and changing position. In active households with children, teens or pets, a fabric that's durable, stain resistant, easy to maintain and that provides camouflage for soiling works well for reupholstering a love seat. For example, smooth, tightly woven or slightly textured upholstery fabrics are more resistant to snags than silky, velveteen or plush upholstery fabrics and tend to be easier to clean in case of spills. Medium to dark prints help to hide minor spots and soiling, so the love seat won't show every speck that the kids or dog tracks in.

    Loveseat Fabric Tips

    • If you want to match the original fabric or color of your love seat, cut a sample of the love seat's fabric to take with you when you shop for the new upholstery fabric. For a new look to go with your decor, taking along samples of your curtains, carpet, paint or other elements of your color scheme can help you choose the upholstery fabric. It's helpful to look at fabric samples near a window. Florescent lighting in shops affects how colors look. Microfiber has an easy-care reputation, but its texture tends to hold lint and hair.