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How to Buy Organic Crib Mattresses at The Best Price

We all want the best for our babies, and the mattress that we choose for them to sleep on is an important choice. As awareness is raised about the benefits purchasing organic and natural products, many parents are choosing as many of these products as possible. Choosing organic crib mattresses should be no exception. There are many things to look for when purchasing an eco friendly mattress for your new baby, we'll go over the why and the most important considerations when buying organic crib mattresses in this article.


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      ~ Understand the Importance of Organic Crib Mattresses ~

      Most mattresses are covered in cotton. Cotton is the most heavily sprayed crop in the world. The pesticides that are used on cotton contain many chemicals, some of which are known human carcinogens. Further, the fire barrier that is required in all mattresses often contains harmful chemicals that aren't good for people or the environment. Choosing items that are made with organic and recycled materials is better for your baby and better for the environment

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      ~ Check the Cover Material ~

      This is likely the most important part of organic crib mattresses. Why? Because it's the closest to your babies skin. As mentioned above, traditional cotton is heavily sprayed with pesticides. Those chemicals don't magically disappear when the cotton is harvested and used to make a mattress cover. Look for a mattress that has a 100% organic cotton cover.

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      ~ Check the Fire Barrier Material ~

      Ideally, you will find a mattress that does not use chemicals in the fire barrier. Wool is proven as a great fire retardant and many eco friendly mattresses are now using wool and/or other non-toxic fire retardants. This should be the second most important item as you select your mattress.

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      ~ Check for The Use of Recycled Materials ~

      If the mattress that you are looking at has springs, look for recycled content in the steel. Any other recycled content in the mattress is a plus.

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      ~ Look for Organic Crib Mattresses Made in the United States ~

      The closer an item is made to your home, the less distance that they have to travel to make it to your home. Less travel equals a more eco friendly product.

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      ~ Look Early For the Best Prices ~

      Start looking early so that you have time to take advantage of sales. Don't forget to check online for good deals - check for free shipping to maximize your savings. Sign up for stores email alerts so that you'll know when items are set to go on sale.