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How to Buy a Floor Sample Bed Mattress

Many mattress storefronts, outlet stores and discount web sites will sell floor samples of mattresses at a discount. For many people, this is preferable for two reasons: First and foremost is the price, which is assuredly cheaper. A perhaps lesser known feature of floor samples which makes them attractive to some buyers is that more attention is given at the factory to the tailoring of a floor sample since it must hold up to the wear and tear of many shoppers testing it.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer
  • Telephone
  • Negotiating skills
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  1. Ways to Find a Floor Sample Mattress for Sale

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      Consult your Yellow Pages either online or in the phone book to call local mattress stores and see if they are willing to sell you a floor model at a discount.

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      Ask when the store will be moving or adding new inventory, because this is an ideal time for many mattress stores to be open to the idea of selling a floor sample.

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      Offer to pick up the mattress yourself, because a store manager might be more willing to dispose of a floor model at a discount when he does not need to make transportation arrangements.

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      In your Internet search engine use Google or Yahoo to look for Internet sites that sell floor samples. To do this, type in the words "floor mattress" and "mattress."

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      Conduct a proper price comparison before ordering online.