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How to Fix a Hole in an Air Mattress

An air mattress is handy to have around if you need a quick, portable bed for guests or if you frequently go camping. Unfortunately, because they are made of relatively thin plastic, air mattresses can easily develop leaks when they are abused and punctured or a seam splits. You can fix a hole in an air mattress using a patch kit that can be obtained form any department store or hardware store.

Things You'll Need

  • Soapy water
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Sponge or washcloth
  • Permanent marker
  • Patch kit
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    • 1

      Inflate the mattress. Soak a washcloth or sponge in soapy water and wipe it across the surface. Soap bubbles will form where the leak is. Mark the leak with a permanent marker.

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      Wipe the soap residue off and let the mattress dry completely. Deflate the mattress. Wipe the area around the leak with rubbing alcohol to make sure it is completely clean.

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      Cut a piece of the patch with a scissors that is big enough to cover the hole in the air mattress. Allow a 1-inch overlap when cutting then patch.

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      Apply the included adhesive around the leak and put the patch on. Press the patch down and smooth it out to remove any wrinkles. Apply more adhesive around the edges of the patch to make sure they are completely sealed. Let the adhesive dry completely.

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      Inflate the air mattress again and check to make sure the hole is fixed. If the mattress still leaks, cut another patch large enough to cover the first patch with an inch overlap on each side. Apply adhesive and press the patch down on top of the old patch. Seal the edges.