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Memory Foam Mattress Problems with Heat Buildup

While memory foam mattresses have grown in popularity over the years, so have the number of complaints about the buildup of heat while sleeping on them. People accustomed to the cool sleeping surface of fiber-filled tops are sometimes surprised by the insulating properties of memory foam.
  1. Memory Foam Heat Problem

    • The problems with heat in memory foam mattresses are due to the nature of the visco-elastic material from which they are made. These mattresses hold heat far more efficiently than their innerspring counterparts, which can be a great thing on a cold winter night but undesirable during warmer times of the year.

      Expect more warmth in general when sleeping on memory foam. Consider your purchase carefully if you live in a hot, humid environment or tend to be a "hot sleeper." If you kick your covers off at night most of the time, or are constantly turning down the thermostat at night or flipping on the fan to cool down in bed, then memory foam may be a poor choice.

      All memory foam mattresses are made of thousands of tiny foam cells with an open wall structure. The cells soak up heat from your body like a sponge. Although the open wall cell structure is designed to pass heat away from the body, the mattress is still going to sleep warmer than a traditional innerspring.

    Foam Topper Option

    • One solution to the buildup of heat, while maintaining the comfort of memory foam, is to add a memory foam topper to an innerspring mattress. Experience less discomfort from heat in the mattress by placing less foam underneath you.

      Place a topper directly on the mattress and secure it with your sheets. Heat will dissipate faster through the thin layer of foam while providing you with a similar feel to the full memory foam mattress.

      If you already have the memory foam mattress, relieve the heat problem by going with an opposite solution. Add a non-foam topper to your memory foam bed to prevent the material from absorbing as much heat from your body.

      Use a fiber-filled material that will quickly allow heat to escape before soaking into the memory foam. Be prepared for this topper to take away from some of the unique feeling of the visco-elastic material, but it will still feel much different than an innerspring mattress.

    Heat Reduction Channels

    • Select a memory foam mattress equipped with anti-heat measures such as heat reduction channels.

      Heat reduction channels are deep grooves cut into the finish of a memory foam mattress to allow air to enter and circulate underneath the sheets. This airflow will keep your body cooler.

    Go Pillow Top

    • Another option to consider when purchasing memory foam is to buy a model with a pillow top. In many instances memory foam pillow tops use another material to fill the pillow top. This may be cotton fiber, latex or another comfort option.

      Select models with soft pillow tops filled with non-visco material to keep the feel of a memory foam bed without the heat absorbing material against your skin. This will be similar to adding a non-foam topper to a foam bed.