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Soft Mattress Back Problems

Lifting a box that is too heavy or turning too quickly -- these actions can strain your back and lead to problems with pain. A soft sagging mattress could also be the cause of back problems.
  1. Causes

    • A soft mattress can cause back problems by sagging in the middle, beneath your hips. This causes your spine to bend during sleep, straining the muscles that support it and leading to back problems including stiffness and pain, according to "Encyclopedia of Family Health."


    • Replacing your soft mattress with a firmer model will eliminate the sagging that leads to back problems. As a temporary measure, you can place a board beneath your mattress. This extra support can prevent the mattress from sagging as much and allow your back muscles to relax while you sleep.


    • Changing your mattress as well as your sleeping position can help solve painful back problems. A mattress that is too firm can lead to back problems because it will provide too much support to your shoulder and pelvis, again putting strain on your spine, according to "The Rise of the Superconductors."