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Unusual Problems With Mattresses

Selecting the right mattress is important to ensuring a restful night's sleep. Yet no one mattress type is ideal for everyone. You generally choose a mattress based on personal preference, selecting the mattress that feels best to you. Even still, unusual problems with mattresses sometimes occur that impacts its overall performance.
  1. Emits a Strong Odor

    • New mattresses sometimes arrive with a harsh chemical smell. In certain cases, the scent can be so strong that it disrupts your sleep and aggravates your nasal passages. The Better Sleep Council advises you to leave new mattresses uncovered for a few hours upon arrival to allow mattresses time to breathe. Ventilating a mattress helps to dispel any odor it may possess.

    Causes Physical Ailments

    • Certain mattresses are made of materials that trigger physical ailments in otherwise healthy individuals. According to a July 2, 2007 CBN news story, "Is Your Mattress Making You Sick?" a Florida man claims to have experienced heart attack-like symptoms from sleeping on an adjustable air mattress. His symptoms subsided when he was admitted to the hospital. Upon returning home, he continued to feel physically and mentally ill. However, not until he moved the bed out of his home did he feel fully himself.

    Retains Body Heat

    • Some memory foam mattresses take in body heat, which makes the mattress very hot and unpleasant to sleep on. Consumers of these mattresses report waking up feeling sweaty after sleeping on them. Manufacturers have sought to address this problem by adding several air exchange layers that allow for better ventilation. Yet even mattresses with this new air circulation technology are problematic as the technology lacks durability because it's nothing more than an egg crate.

    Becomes Rock Hard

    • According to Healthy Foundations, a common complaint of air mattresses is that they do not retain their plushness but become rock hard within a few years of use. The problem is not isolated to one brand as Healthy Foundation indicates that this type of mattress has a return rate of 23 percent with 1 in 4 consumers reporting dissatisfaction with the product. These mattresses begin losing their shape and developing lumps and bumps within months of use, making them increasingly uncomfortable to sleep on over time.