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What to Look for in a Baby Mattress

Babies may be small, but they require a lot of gear. Car seats, strollers, high chairs and toys are just the beginning. You need to provide a safe and comfortable place for your little one to sleep as well. Because your baby will sleep in her crib for approximately three years or longer, buying the right mattress not only helps her get adequate sleep but also helps support her growing body and keeps her safe.
  1. Firmness

    • Because newborns cannot roll over or change positions, it's important that the crib mattress you choose is firm. Combined with a fitted crib sheet, the firm mattress helps reduce the possibility that your baby will breathe in the carbon dioxide from his own air, which is believed to be a cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. However, as your baby grows, she'll move around more in the night -- and eventually start standing and jumping on the mattress -- so make sure that the mattress has consistent firmness throughout. Avoid mattresses that seem softer around the edges. If your baby moves to the edge of the mattress and it sags, her head could become stuck between the crib and the mattress.


    • Crib mattresses have either a foam or innerspring core. Neither is better than the other; the primary difference is price and weight. If you choose a foam mattress, look for a firm one that has some weight to it. The best-quality foam mattresses weigh around 7 lbs. Heavier mattresses are made from higher-density foam, which hold up better over time. The foam mattress should also bounce back to its original shape quickly when weight is removed. Inexpensive mattresses may not bounce back, and over time, they develop permanent divots. If you choose to purchase an innerspring mattress, look for one with at least 150 coils made from 13.5-gauge or thicker steel. Innerspring mattresses should be firm with plenty of padding and cushioning around the coils.


    • Almost all mattresses designed for use in cribs or toddler beds have a vinyl cover. Babies spit up, diapers leak and nighttime accidents happen. A vinyl cover protects the mattress from moisture and odors. Look for a mattress with a thick vinyl cover. A triple-layer, nylon-reinforced cover is the most durable and provides the most protection. Avoid mattresses with a single layer of vinyl or quilted vinyl covers. The price may be lower, but the quality is not as good. Lower-quality vinyl is more likely to crack or tear and may leak. Check the mattress construction around the edges of the cover. As your little one grows and learns to jump, poor-quality mattress may come apart at the seams.


    • The size of a crib mattress is also an important consideration. The mattress should fit in the crib snugly. Check the fit using your fingers. If you can fit two fingers between the mattress and the side of the crib, look for a bigger mattress. A mattress that is too small is dangerous for little ones. If they roll over, they could get caught between the mattress and crib and suffocate. Purchase the crib and mattress together so that you can test before purchasing and make sure they fit together.