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Medical Beds to Prevent Decubitus

Individuals bedridden for any length of time may experience sore or tender spots on their body where skin comes into constant contact with bedding. In order to prevent bedsores, which may lead to difficult-to-heal and disabling open wounds, those requiring long-term care may benefit from special mattresses that help prevent the development of decubitus ulcers.
  1. Definition

    • A decubitus ulcer is the medical term for a bedsore or pressure sore. These sores are caused by long periods of bed rest and most commonly occur on bony prominences of the body such as the heels, buttocks, hips, shoulder blades and elbows. Bedsores start as reddened, tender areas that may develop into open sores like blisters. Depending on care and medical condition, these open sores may develop into ulcerated wounds affecting all layers of the skin, creating conditions like cellulitis, infections or sepsis.

    Pressure Relieving Mattress

    • A pressure-relieving mattress is commonly found in long-term care centers or nursing homes. A foam overlay mattress pad placed over a traditional mattress can help reduce constant pressure of skin against bedding, while mattresses such as the Multi-Ply Shear Care 300-700 pressure-relieving mattress style offers pressure-relieving benefits. Some pressure-reliving mattress brands offer different types of foam at the base of the bed to reduce or aid in the treatment of mild heel and ankle pressure sores.

    Alternating Pressure Mattress

    • Considered a type of low-air loss therapy, the interior of the alternating pressure mattress is composed of small rubber bladders that can be filled with different levels of air, depending on your weight and comfort level. The mattress is constructed to keep your skin from growing moist, which helps prevent breakdown of skin. The Dynaflow 8000 is an example of an alternating pressure mattress, which can be deflated to restore the mattress to a static or traditional mode.

    Bubble Mattress

    • The bubble mattress is commonly used in hospitals as a type of alternating pressure bedding. The bubble mattress is actually an overlay that can be placed over a traditional mattress for the prevention of decubitus ulcers. The mattress surface offers weight-dispersing bubbles of touch points on the body, reducing the chance of developing bedsores through your recovery period. The bubble mattress, such as that found in the Oasis 1000/2000 model, can also be inflated to desired cushioning levels with a pump placed at the base of the mattress. This type of mattress is effective in the treatment of mild to moderate pressure sores.