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How to Buy a Comfortable Rocking Chair

Rocking chairs are a way to pass the time because they eliminate the "couch potato" syndrome whereby you sit lifeless in a chair. A rocking chair helps improve circulation and leg strength while providing a soothing motion that relaxes you. Not all rocking chairs are equal, so shop around for the most comfortable one for you.


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      Sit in the chair and begin to rock gently.

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      Note the extent that the chair goes back. Some chairs go further back than others depending on how long the rocker is.

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      Place your hands on the arm rests. They should be a comfortable height where you arms are parallel to your legs and not propped up too high or low.

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      See where your feet are while rocking. You should always maintain contact with the floor to maintain control of the rocker.

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      Feel the cushioning. Is it plush and comfortable or is it thin? Cushioning can be added later for a more comfortable chair, but you should consider that inadequate cushioning will cause your buttocks to be sore and possibly cause your back to ache.

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      Stand up. The rocker should be easy to get out of. If the seat is too deep, you may have trouble getting out of the chair, straining your back or possibly leading to a fall.