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Home Remedies to Condition Leather Sofas

Leather sofas require little maintenance other than keeping them wiped clean and keeping pets from scratching the leather material. One thing you may not have thought of is conditioning your leather sofa. This will help keep the material from cracking and return the richness and shine to the surface. To condition your leather sofa, you don't need to buy a commercial chemical---you may already have a substance in your house that can be used.
  1. Home Leather Conditioners -- Vaseline and Shaving Cream

    • Vaseline can be use to condition your leather sofa. Apply a teaspoon of Vaseline to a soft clean cloth then wipe the substance on to your leather sofa until the sofa feels dry. Work in small sections. Make sure you wipe off any excess Vaseline, but most of the substance will be absorbed by the leather.

      Shaving cream can also be used to condition your leather sofa. Apply a teaspoon of shaving cream to a clean damp cloth and then wipe the cream on to the sofa. Make sure you keep the cloth damp so the shaving cream will be diluted. Shaving cream is greasy, and applying the substance full strength will leave a greasy film on your leather sofa.

    Mink Oil, Lanolin and Milk Salve

    • You can also condition your leather sofa with mink oil, found in leather shops and some hardware stores, and lanolin. A milk salve and glycerin mixture can also be used for conditioning. This mixture is ideal for large leather sofas. Mix 500 g of milk salve (also called balm) with 100 ml of glycerin. Stir the mixture with an old spoon and apply the mixture with a clean soft cloth. Work in sections, and wipe any excess from the leather sofa once you are done. Milk salve and glycerin is inexpensive and found at most hardware and home improvement stores.

      Note, test in an inconspicuous area first to see how well the home remedy substance soaks into your leather sofa.

    Olive Oil for Scratches

    • To cover minor scratches and cracks on your leather sofa, apply a teaspoon of olive oil to a clean cloth and then wipe the oil into the scratch or crack. Let the olive oil set for about four hours and then buff the area with a clean dry cloth. The olive oil also conditions the leather as well.